
ros spin()与ros spinOnce()

ros 基础



carla 知识学习

client = carla.Client(host, port)
world = client.get_world()
actor_list = world.get_actors()
actor.attribute.get(​"role_name"​) ​#找名字 actor_list.filter(​"*traffic_light*"​) ​#找所有灯对应actor得到的一个 list/generator
waypoint=world.get_map().get_waypoint(carla.Location) ​#对应一个点找路线点 ​#根据一个点找一定距离外的下一个点
  • world.wait_for_tick(): blocks until a new tick is received from the simulator. This function is not very reliable as you may skip ticks, and you can easily end up in a dead-lock if using synchronous mode.
  • world.on_tick(callback): registers a callback (function or function object) to be called every time a new tick is received, the callback is executed asynchronously in the background.
  • world.tick(): tells the simulator to perform a tick (i.e. advance one step). This only has effect in synchronous mode.